Saturday, 14 January 2012

First post injury run

Full of trepidation, on a cold and frosty morning, I laced up my trainers for the first time in 5 weeks. Not sure if I shouldn't wait one more week, even though I'm pain free, I nervously stepped out of my front door.

My memory held out, prompting my feet to move, and pushing away the familiar flutters of anxiety before any run, and off I went.

Of course I was scared that there would be pain. I remembered Ken Bobisms... 'relax, relax, relax', 'bend your knees', 'it's like you're cycling'. I hummed Rizzle Kicks 'Mama do the hump' - the only plus 180bpm track I've found so far, and I ran.

It was a great feeling.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder and I relished every second. I noticed a minor twinge halfway, so I took heed of Ken and walked a few metres to check it was nothing before continuing.

It may have only been 3/4 of a mile in total, but it was an epic run for me.  It marked my return from injury, my return to something I love, and to something that fills me with pride.

I will take it easy for the next few weeks, but today has been a great day for me.  I've loved, and lost, and am loving again.  How lucky am I?

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